Wet area (sorting + preparation)

Wet area (sorting + preparation)

It is mainly dedicated to sorting, dissection and short term storage in freezers (-20° and -80°C).

We also perform sample preparation for stable isotope analysis conducted in partnership with IRMS or LA-ICP-MS dedicated platforms (for example the LIENSs Stable Isotope Facility at La Rochelle, or the IPREM in Pau).

Vue d'ensemble de l'espace humide
© Christine GAZEAU

Main equipments

  • 10 m of straw mattress
  •  Freezers and a refrigerator
  •  1 Large tank for coarse sorting, rinsing
  •  2 Articulated suction arms (BAO)
  •  1 Fume cupboard; extractor hood
  •  2 Protective masks
  •  1 Eye Wash Shower
  •  1 Chemical cabinet
  •  1 Production of demineralized water
  •  2 Balances, from 5 to 4100 g. d: 0.01g
  •  1 Oven
  •  1 Ultrasonic tank
  •  2 Magnifying lamps
  •  3 Binoculars
  •  1 Cold light generator
  •  2 Colony counters


Les différents équipements de l'espace humide
© Christine GAZEAU

Modification date: 19 June 2024 | Publication date: 11 June 2023 | By: MP