Sclerochronology Service

Sclerochronology Service

The Sclerochronology Service is organized in different dedicated rooms:

  •     A "wet" room for the reception and dissections of samples as well as for the simplest observations on fish or crustaceans;
  •     A "dry" room for microscopy and more delicate measurements;
  •     A "white" room for the preparation of ultra-clean samples for ultrastructure or microchemistry analysis.

All rooms can be darkened in order to work on fluorescently marked structures.


Plan des différentes salles du pôle de sclérochronologie

In this folder

It is mainly dedicated to sorting, dissection and short term storage in freezers (-20° and -80°C).

This is where samples are observed and data are recorded.

This laboratory is used for the preparation of clean samples, under controlled atmosphere conditions, for microanalysis, otolith microchemistry, scale and bone treatment.