Aquatic Vegetation Service

Aquatic Vegetation Service

The Aquatic Vegetation unit (part of the ECOVEA team) provides a set of facilities for in situ (field) and ex situ (experimental rooms and laboratory) observation and experimentation. These facilities (workspaces, equipment) are mainly dedicated to the study of aquatic plant communities (macrophytes, phytoplankton, phytobenthos) and biofilm micro-meiofauna in freshwater (rivers and lakes). They can also be used in other environments and/or as part of in-house and/or academic training courses.

Experimentation rooms

  • 5 rooms for experimentation or culture of organisms under controlled conditions (temperature, light).

Preparation and observation room

This room is mainly dedicated to the preparation, observation and determination of samples of aquatic plants (phytoplankton, phytobenthos and macrophytes) and freshwater micro-meiofauna. Observations are carried out using macro and microscopic tools. The samples of interest are then kept in a collection.

Observation and data acquisition facilities