Rooms and equipment for measuring abiotic and biotic parameters

Rooms and equipment for measuring abiotic and biotic parameters

Two temperature-controlled rooms are available for various measuring devices and sensors.

A physiological parameter measurement room is dedicated to biofilms and phytoplankton, and a biometry room to macrophytes.

A wide range of in situ and ex situ sampling and measurement equipment is managed in the PVA unit, including equipment for characterizing ecosystem hydromorphology. A metrology room keeps this equipment up to date.

Physiological measurement room

Main equipment in this room
  • 6m fixed wet bench
  • vacuum air network
  • 1 flow cytometer coupled to a x4, x10 and x20 photonic microscope (FlowCam®), equipped to detect fluorescence emitted by chlorophyll. A color camera generates digital images of the detected particles, according to user-defined parameters. These images provide access to 64 two-dimensional measurement parameters (size, shape, etc.), enabling them to be classified according to user-defined imaging filters
  • 3 fluorometers (PHYTO-PAM®, Imaging-PAM®, DIVING-PAM®) to measure photosynthetic performance: of the different algal groups present in phytoplankton and biofilms, and of macrophytes
  •  anti-vibration table for precision balance measurements
  • the room can be completely opaque

Biometrics room

Main equipment in this room
  • 2 ovens
  • 7 m removable dry bench and 1.5 m fixed dry bench
  • precision weighing balances
  • water supply (hot, cold)
  • air conditioning
  • refrigerator


Measuring and sampling equipment and metrology room

Measurement and sampling equipment

A non-exhaustive list of equipment owned by the PVA division is given below:

  • automatic and manual water samplers
  • manual sediment samplers (Van Veen bucket, Eckman bucket, corer)
  • plankton nets
  • surber,
  • manual and electric filtration pumps
  • field fluorometers, including:
    • the Algae Torch® is a waterproof instrument used in aquatic environments to quantify cyanobacteria and total phytoplankton. It enables rapid determination of chlorophyll a concentrations in total phytoplankton and cyanobacteria, as well as measuring turbidity
    • the Fluoroprobe®: the bbe spectrofluorimetric probe is a submersible probe that provides the concentration in μg equivalent of chl a.L-1 of different classes of algae, continuously along a lake's water column. The Fluoroprobe is a field instrument used in aquatic environments to analyze phytoplankton and phytobenthos. It measures the following parameters: depth; temperature; transmission; total chlorophyll a concentration reflecting the quantity of algae present in the environment of the following algae groups (Chlorophyceae; Cyanobacteria; Diatoms; Cryptophytes and yellow substances)
    • light radiation measuring instrument: consisting of a housing (LI-COR 250) combined with a LI-193SA spherical quantum sensor (bulb) or a LI-190SA quantum sensor. These sensors measure photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) in air and/or water, i.e. the light used by plants for photosynthesis (between 400 and 700 nm). Unit of measurement: µmoles per second per square meter ((µmol.s-1.m-2)
    • Current meter: the MARSH McBIRNEY FLO MATE 2000 measures liquid flow velocity using a directional electromagnetic sensor. It is suitable for medium to high velocity measurements (0.00 to 2.50 m/s)
    • various multiparameter sensors
    • echo sounders
    • centimetric Gps
    • experimental devices:
      • assortment of biofilm collection trays
      • benthic bells
    • agitators
    • sieves
    • ultrasonic tank
    • aquascope


Metrology room

This room is used for all metrology-related operations.

Main equipment in this room
  • 6m fixed wet and dry bench,de paillasse humide et sèche fixe de 6m
  •  water supply (hot, cold)
  • air conditioning
  • 1 m laminar flow hood
  • refrigerator