

Electrofishing, which is a non-lethal sampling method, is mainly used for fish diversity inventories and for monitoring particular species of interest, such as eels in freshwater sections.

XPO is equipped with four different and complementary electric fishing devices:

  • the "Martin Pêcheur" is a self-contained portable device and the "Aigrette" is a compact device. They are used in small and medium sized freshwater areas, on foot or from a small boat.
  • The "Héron" is suitable for sampling in shallow and deep freshwater (< 2m).
  • The "Albatros" allows electric fishing in brackish or marine waters.

These equipments are regularly lent to research and operational partners carrying out routine fishing campaigns in XPO's areas of interest, such as the Fédération des Associations Agréées de Pêche et Protection des Milieux Aquatiques de Gironde (FDAAPPMA33).


L'Aigrette, un appareil de pêche électrique et des pêches d'anguilles jaunes