

My work focuses on improving knowledge of the continental distribution of amphihaline migratory fish in Europe. As part of this mission, I am responsible for enriching EuroDiad, a collaborative database covering the distribution of 28 target species of diadromous fish across European river basins, over four distinct historical periods (ie. 1751-1850; 1851-1950: 1951-2010; 2011-current period).
My role is to revise older versions and structures of the database, ensuring their accuracy and completeness, while enriching them with newly acquired data from the grey literature. This project is of major importance, as it will ultimately provide a better understanding of the environmental factors that have influenced the historical distribution of amphihaline migratory fish in European rivers, thus facilitating the implementation of management measures adapted to their conservation.


Modification date: 08 February 2024 | Publication date: 31 January 2024 | By: GOBBETTO Eva