ACOLAS Marie-Laure

ACOLAS Marie-Laure

Researcher |Conservation biology


My research activity is focused on i) the conservation of endangered species through the monitoring of their recovery and a critical evaluation of the restoration practices ii) the migration behavior and habitat use of anadromous fishes iii) the effect of aquaculture practices on the individual performance within the frame of stocking program; iv) the influence of environmental factors on fish species life history traits.

To explore these issues, I use a combination of field and laboratory experiments and collaborate with specialists of different field of expertise (modeling, physiology, genetic).

See also

Marie-Laure ACOLAS's publications in HAL

ORCID : 0000-0003-1181-2605

ResearchGate :

Modification date: 16 February 2024 | Publication date: 09 June 2023 | By: Marie-Laure ACOLAS